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Esse 150 SE 5kW Wood burning Multifuel Stove

The ESSE 150 SE 5kW wood burning multi-fuel stove for smaller to medium size rooms with an efficiency of 83.5%.

The minimalist Esse 150 SE Wood Burning and Multifuel Stove is a single door 5kW new addition to the range. A strikingly stylish minimalist stove with longer legs, clean lines and an oversize clear glass window for a beautiful view of the dancing flames.

With an A energy rating and clean burn technology makes this stove suitable for smoke exempt areas within the UK.

This 150SE Stove is economical to use, incorporating both primary and secondary air wash that has precision adjustment controls for the burn rate.


  • Heat output of 5kW
  • Efficiency 82%
  • Defra exempt for woodburning
  • A Energy rating
  • Primary & secondary Airwash System
  • Large viewing window
  • 612(h) x 550(w) x 317(d)mm
  • Comes in matt black (other colours available at an extra cost – Grey, Bronze or Gold)
  • Compatible with Autoblaze
  • Top flue as standard, Rear flue kit available – ask for details
  • 83.6kg

The Esse 150 SE Wood burning and Multi-fuel Stove – How to adjust the door handle

Esse Stove Autoblaze Options video