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Parkray Chevin 5 Inset Multifuel Stove

The Parkray Chevin 5 Inset mulit-fuel stove gives a better return on your fuel costs with a high efficiency of 77.1%, the Parkray Chevin 5 Inset is the perfect addition to any home. This stove is DEFRA approved and with a heat output range of 3,5kW-5.5kW.


Parkray Chevin 5 Multi Fuel Inset Stove – an ideal choice for replacing a conventional gas fire with a more homely feel. The Chevin 5 installs without the need for extra ventilation. It’s maximum heat output is 5.5kW and an efficiency of 77.1%.

The Chevin 5 Inset Stove is DEFRA approved for Smoke Control Areas and comes with an airwash system for cleaner glass.


  • Heat output of 4.9kW (range 3.5kW to 5.5kW)
  • Efficiency 77.1%
  • Defra Approved
  • Airwash System
  • Large viewing window
  • Tripleburn technology
  • Choice of handles

Parkray Chevin 5 Inset Multi-fuel Stove – Parkray video