It’s Christmas Eve Here’s A Stove Owners Guide To Keeping Santa Safe This Christmas HoHoHo
At this time of year, we’re often asked what impact having a wood-burning stove in your home has on Santa Claus’ ability to deliver to you on Christmas Eve.
While there are subtle differences in comparison to a traditional open fireplace, the good news is that it’s quite easy to be a considerate wood-burning stove owner when it comes to keeping Father Christmas’ interests in mind.
The list
First things first, putting your Christmas wish list on a stove will work in exactly the same way as an open fireplace. You can expect any lists that have been put inside your stove to be delivered directly to the North Pole.
Stockings and decorations
Keep in mind that you shouldn’t hang stockings, tinsel or other decorations too close to your stove. Keep them as far away from your stove as you would keep them from an open fire.
Remember to let your stove go out at a reasonable hour on Christmas Eve. Even hot ashes could give Santa Claus a nasty burn, so it’s important to give your stove chance to cool down before Santa arrives.
The flue pipe question
The most common question we’re asked: can Santa fit down a flue pipe? The short answer is yes. While it looks like it would be a very awkward fit, it’s quite easy when you know how. Using the same magic he uses to get down narrow chimneys, Santa can usually squeeze his belly down a flue pipe.
Chimney cowl
If you have a chimney cowl to stop things getting into your flue pipe, you might want to send Santa a note asking him to use an alternative entrance. Alternatively, if it’s quite easy to remove, you could just allow Santa to briefly remove the cowl and refit when he’s leaving your home.
Leave the stove door ajar
Imagine Santa’s frustration if he squeezes down your flue pipe only to find that the stove door is closed and he’s locked inside your stove. Leaving the door slightly ajar when you go to bed will ensure Santa can get into the room easily.
So from the Stove Soecialists UK team we would like to wish you a safe happy & very Merry Christmas HoHoHo
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Unit 1C, Chetwynd Lodge Chester Road Newport, Telford TF10 8AB